Neglect and Hoarding Support
Canaries Solutions.

Canaries Solutions is a company that fully support people suffering self-neglect and or from Hoarding disorder, to make positive change to reclaim their home environment and the opportunity to learn to adjust their current ways of thinking and daily behaviours/habits to help prevent relapse.
Whilst working with a person-centred approach to address risk, clutter and hygiene conditions in the home, we ascertain ongoing support requirements due to physical or mental health and collaborate with support organisations, Housing Associations and Local Authorities, to ensure these are put in place to enable the person to maintain a more positive future.

Our Service
- Support to overcome self neglect
- Deep cleaning
- De-cluttering
- Support with house cleaning where families are struggling.
- Help with getting routine around cleaning.

Our Approach
- Building rapport
- Moving from rapport to relationship
- Finding the right tone
- Going at the individual’s pace
- Agreeing a plan
- Finding something that motivates the individual Starting with practicalities
- Negotiating reciprocal actions
- Focusing on what can be agreed
- Keeping company
- Straight talking
- Finding the right person